Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kitchen Renovation Part 2

Okay, now I have countertops!!!!  and they are beautiful!!!!  I cried when I saw them last night after work.

closer look and then...

Here is my backsplash tiles - the small ones are going between the stove and the hood, the bigger one is going around the perimeter.  There will be about 6" cut off of the bigger tile and that is going up above my shower least 1 row, I am hoping for 2 rows.  We will see...

as you can see here is my sink, the side with blue tape has the disposal and that is not hooked up yet, until my dishwasher can be hooked up and that will happen after all the tile backsplash is up...I am soooooo impatient - but it is done in steps and there is a process. 

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