Saturday, January 15, 2011

NE Ohio State Rep for CR

Well, last weekend I met with the other 2 Ohio State Reps...and boy howdy there is a lot to do, but God is so good to give me 2 other State Reps that are fantastic! These Ladies are so gracious and wanting to help me get started and all. I have been given the top Eastern 10 counties as my region. I was able to get the church secretary to make some business cards up for me for the interim until my bc come from national. I am attempting to come up with an introductory letter to send to all the CR groups in my region. This is not an easy thing for me to do, since I tend to write like I talk and am not a secretary by trade. And since I talk about 1 subject right to another subject and may go back to the first subject and in the middle of that get started on something else - see what I mean...and this letter needs to flow and do a good job of letting other groups know me. Sheesh - that is going to be hard to do, but I am going to give it my best shot and I know I have people that will proof my letter and give me very good input.