Friday, August 30, 2013

Road trip - Westside Market in Cleveland

My friend Sue and me went on a road trip today.  Sue nor I have ever been to the Westside Market in Cleveland, Ohio - so we decided to make a day of it.  It is amazing to say the least.  On 2 sides are vendors for vegetables and fruits, on the most inside (original market) is the meats, baked goods, pastry, spices, seafood, dairy and cheese, etc.

Vegetables and fruits along both sides of the aisle.  Some were giving out free samples.  They all carried about the same stock, some had a few different things.  Prices were relatively the same within cents of each other.

I was up on a catwalk to take these pictures of the Market up above...
the other side...
See the Long Horn Steer mounted head in the lower right corner?  They had a fire here a few months ago in that booth, closed the Market down while they cleaned it from smoke damage.  The white tiles are now gleaming and the ceiling overhead is clean red bricks...

The Market started in 1840 and was dedicated in 1912 and has over 100 vendors. It was a very interesting and is a historical place in Cleveland.  All in all Sue and I had a very nice day.  Very warm in the mid 80's and puffy clouds outside.  I really enjoyed myself. 

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