Sunday, August 10, 2014

Memorial to Miss Megan - an inherited dog.

I woke up this morning to the realization that Miss Megan, my dog for the last 8 years most likely had a stroke and could not get up to her feet.  Miss Megan was my Dad & Mom's dog for 8 or 9 years and after they died I was lucky enough to be able to have her in my life for another 8 years.  Miss Megan was the best companion I could have ever asked for.  She never barked in the house, never expressed the need for excessive attention. Miss Megan was a full breed Border Collie that my Dad & Mom had bred.  There are now grown dogs out there from Miss Megan that have won ribbons for dog trials and such.  I know because more than a few of the people that purchased puppies from my Dad & Mom wrote and sent pictures of these things. 

I believed that this was going to be the last year with Miss Megan.  She was starting to have trouble getting up from her bed and walking with difficulty.  Miss Megan never complained.  You know how some people have said God spelled backwards is Dog.  Well Miss Megan had the patience and grace about her that somehow showed God.

She has such golden brown eyes, did not like her paws touched and her tongue stuck out just a little when she was relaxed.  After Dad & Mom died and I brought her home with me she became the perfect house dog, even though she had never been a house dog before. It amazed me how well she took to being in the house.  The only thing she chewed on was hoofs - nothing else, but she did love those hoofs.

She will be missed.  Miss Megan I hope you are happy with Dad & Mom.

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