Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Creative Camp - WOW!

This past weekend my sister, Sandi and I with some friends went to Creative Camp at a 4-H camp in Mineral Wells, WV. (Almost Heaven country) that is put on every year at this time.  I had gone with my Mom 3 or 4 times in the past, but have not been since she passed away in 2006.  It was so enjoyable to go again!  To be around so many crafty and creative people for a couple of days.  Sandi taught a Primitive Angel class made from a stair banister:

this was the corner of the upstairs that we made our angels...
this is the back of my angel with the head and wings on, we embellished with moss for hair, a vine halo, put a face on and as you can see I put buttons and a scarf on my angel:
Here she is finished, now all I have to decide is where to put her.  Sandi did very well for instructing her first class at Creative Camp 2013!
This is an attempt to make a pine needle basket...the instructor did or would not explain very well how to make the sides come up, so everyone in the class made coasters.
Sandi made a stool with a reed seat...it was very hard and her fingers were still hurting her the next day.  I bought a kit - tried to get the instructor to buy it back, but she said no.  So one of these days I will have to buckle down and make it.
Sandi and I made chalkboard message boards from picture frames with the glass painted with chalkboard paint (by the instructors husband).  Mine is on the left and Sandi's is on the right.  I want to make another one but put lined paper behind the glass and make it a dry erase board.
I made a knotted necklace - this was real easy and fun!  So many beads to choose from...may have to get some beads and waxed thread to make another and maybe a bracelet or two.
This is a corner organizer basket for a bathroom vanity or dresser...it is so cute and about 6" x 6" x 3".  Getting the stakes in the base to weave was another story...but got it done.
Here is my paint by number rooster - not really, but almost.  I started with a picture of a grist mill with trees, stream, foot bridge and bushes...too much to paint. Found this rooster and thought multi-colors.  I still have to paint "WELCOME" across the top and seal it.  This is on slate.  I am going to keep my eye open for something to paint next year.

I had so much fun packed in 2 days - What a blessing to be able to spend time crafting with my sister and friends, old and new ones.  Am already looking forward to next year.

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