Thursday, December 12, 2013

Admin Outing - 12/2013

My company has dept. outings and tonight was the admin. dept. outing.  Which was not an outing but just the opposite.  We had what is called Wine & Paint, where this company brings wine, canvases, paints and an instructor and all that attend paint the same painting.  Our company also provided food, beer and wine coolers to go along with the wine brought by the Wine & Paint.  It went about 3 hours, in our training room.  There were about 12 people that painted and some just came for food and beverages and some were not able to be there due to previous engagements.  We had laughs, fun and food with drinks - what more could you ask for?

Okay, so here is my first and probably only time actually painting a picture that could be framed.  It amazes me how we all painted the same picture but how different each one looked but somewhat the same. 
As you can see I even signed it and hope you like what you see.  Actually I think it looks better here than in person, so I may hang it and there needs to be some kind of frame ~ not so bad...  The Wine & Paint company took pictures as we were painting and are supposed to post to their website and when I get that I will update this posting.

I am home safe and sound, had some fun, enjoyed painting with my co-workers and count the blessings of working for a great company and the bunch of people I work with.  God is good.


  1. I have heard about these, your painting is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Ah, thanks...Yeah I was hesitant about doing it but thought at least once I can try to paint - have always wanted to paint so here was my chance, not bad for not knowing what I was doing.
