Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday drive and Rhubarb

A couple of Sundays ago me and my friend, Sue went on a drive to southern Ohio - Zanesville to be exact.  What an old river town.  Pottery places, Y-bridge, not too far from Zane Grey's Museum.  While driving thru town we came across this circle of 6 foot vases...
It seems it was a 2008 project to draw attention to area artists as well as the pottery venues around the area.  The tourist information center in Zanesville also has out front of their building a sculpture by the same artist that started this project.

While on the way back from our trip to come home, we came upon a house that was selling Rhubarb...
on Route 93 - Sue and I were taking scenic roads, not traveling by interstate.  My sister, Sandi makes Freezer Jam with Rhubarb and it is lip smacking good.  She has asked me to see if I could find any and just by happenstance I found someone selling it and what a patch of rhubarb this guy had!
He said he has 1,000 plants and sells to the nearby markets.  He had the red, white and purple rhubarb.  I honestly did not think there were any other kinds other than red, because that is all I ever knew.  My grandma has some and a long time ago I had some plants - both were red ones.  I asked him how much a pound and he said $1.00.  I had $12 and borrowed $2 from Sue, so I was going to buy 12 pounds of rhubarb. 
by the time this guy was done I had 5 bags of rhubarb weighing 26 pounds - yes that is right 26 pounds for $14!  I told him again I only was 14 pounds and he said he always give a few extra pounds for waste, but man I am thinking not 12 pounds more but there you have it.  My baby sister, Leah June came down and we worked up the rhubarb, washing, cutting and vacuum sealing 6 cups of to a bag for using later in making freezer jam.
We bagged 11 bags of rhubarb!  Woohoo!  Leah June took 3 bags, I have 4 and I also have 4 in my freezer for Sandi. 

The same guy that sold me the rhubarb also sells plants, so come next Spring I will be going down to get some plants for me and my 2 sisters.  A very lovely day and fruitful so to speak.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  Thank you Jesus for your blessings.

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